Benefits through Diversity, Pt2Studies in First Corinthians · part 30 of 51Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Jan 28, 19961 Corinthians 12:4-31 · Sunday - AM

We continue where we left off last week. Paul is dealing with the quarrel that had arisen regarding the gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit.

Last week we dealt with - Graces are timeless but gifts are not and - The possession of spiritual gifts is no indication of an abundance of grace.

The gifts are bestowed according to the will of the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue.


Verse 7. The word profit means the bringing together of that which is for our good. They are for the edifying of the church. They are not meant for the benefit and much less the gratification of the individual so gifted. When the gifts of God, natural or supernatural, are used as a means of self-aggrandisement or self-gratification then it is a sin against the Giver as well as against those who were meant to benefit from the gifts.

1. The greatest profit that can be bestowed upon the church is to be presented with Christ. Here is the only means by which we can grow and advance and enter into the fullness of redemption. 

2. The gifts of the Spirit can tend to only one end. John 16:13-14. All the Holy Spirit does is to that single end.

3. Thus we may discern the channel of the Holy Spirit. Verse 3. The Holy Spirit will, can, never speak ill of Christ and will so speak as to bring men to confess Him as Lord.


Paul is anxious to emphasis the unity of the church and the mutual purpose the gifts served. ­There is ­a parallel to be seen between the human body and the church, the body of Christ. 

1. Both bodies are composed of many members. As limbs to a body so are believers to the church of Christ. 12-14. 

2. Though made up of many members the body is one. We have a common birth by the Spirit and a common means of sustenance (John 7:37), 13.

3. No member may despise another or doubt his own membership of the body. Each performs a vital and essential role though very different, 15-21; Rom 12:4-5; Ephesians 4:16. 

4. Often the least attractive and noticed members are the more important. Men may admire a fair countenance or a an eloquent tongue but what are either to the heart? So the gifts that are exercised in the secrecy of the prayer closet are more important than those exercised in the public gaze. In verses 23-24 Paul shows that those uncomely members that we seek to make comely by clothing and adorning are like the apparently uncomely gifts that men may despise but which God shall abundantly honour. Thus seeing the necessity of each believers contribution there will be no division (schism), verse 25-26. 

5. While it is improper to seek after endowments by the Spirit for carnal reasons we ought to seek His best. Chapter 13 deals with the highest expression of the Spirit’s endowment.  

ID: 102511743511 · Benefits through Diversity, Pt2