Benefits through Diversity, Pt1Studies in First Corinthians · part 29 of 51Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Jan 21, 19961 Corinthians 12:4-31 · Sunday - AM

Paul continues his education of the Corinthians on the subject of SPIRITUAL GIFTS. Ignorance was resulting in them great abusing the gifts that had been bestowed upon them by the Holy Ghost and this resulted in confused and injured believers and  the world mocking and deriding the gospel. 

In this chapter, Paul lays down some fundamental truths concerning the origin and purpose of the gifts that the Holy Spirit had bestowed before going on to deal with the particular abuses that there were in Corinth. This he does in chapter 14.

It must be said that there is a great difference between graces and gifts. I believe that it will great help us to understand the whole question of the errors of the charismatic movement which we must deal with when we come to chapter 14, if we learn this truth now.

1. Graces are timeless but gifts are not. By that I mean, that the graces of the Holy Spirit have always been manifested amongst the people of God. It is the evidence that they are saved and that they are partakers of the divine nature. On the other hand, the gifts of the Spirit or those manifestations of divine enablement have not always accompanied the people of God. The prophets did not all work miracles. Not all were as Elijah or Elisha. Many were as John the Baptist, the last of the prophets. John did no miracle, John 10:41. All had the graces of the Spirit but not all had special gifts bestowed by the Spirit.

2. The possession of spiritual gifts is no indication of an abundance of grace. The Corinthians were abundantly gifted by the Spirit, 1:5, 7, but were lacking in grace and spiritual maturity, 3:1-4. They spoke in tongues and they prophesied but they also tolerated great sins and irregularities and vices, 1:10-11; 4:6-7; 5:1-7, 11-13; 6:1, 8, 15-18; 8:12; 10:14, 22; 11:17-22, 30. The possessors of great gifts were not necessarily people that were eminent in grace. That is important to note for it is claimed today that the exercise of certain gifts allegedly of the Spirit are the signs of spiritual fullness. It is no such thing.

Paul is combatting the notion that certain gifts are of more value than others and the possessors of the best gifts were superior than the less gifted. It is clear from this that the more gifted were inclined to be more vain and proud.


Verses 4-6, 7-10. The gifts or divinely imparted skills and abilities were of various characters enabling the recipient to perform various tasks and duties in the church.These gifts differ  in a number of ways.

1. The differences arise from the individual upon whom the gifts are bestowed. The gift is suited to the individual’s aptitudes. 

2. The differences arise from the charges or service of the individuals so gifted. The gifts fitted a believer for the carrying out of certain duties. Heb 2:4—gifts bestowed in order to bear witness to the message of the apostles.

3. The differences arise from the energy by which the gift is exercised. The word operations is the one from which we get energy. Some gifts resulted in an obviously more energetic execution of the gift.


In order to combat the sense of superiority that some felt over others, Paul indicates that all gifts had a common source, 4:6-7.

1. The possessors of gifts cannot boast. They are gifts, that which is not of ourselves but given to us,  verse 7.

2. The One Who gives is God. Here is the divinity of the Holy Spirit clearly set forth. It is God working, 6. 

3. He gives in a sovereign manner. 11. The gifts are bestowed according to the will of the Holy Spirit.

The gifted have nothing whatever to boast of. Where then is the merit that some saw in themselves as a result of the gifts they were given? What of those who may despise the gifts that God has given them, wishing for what they would consider were superior gifts?

ID: 102111759103 · Benefits through Diversity, Pt1