The Return of Christ, Pt 13KICS School Assembly Talks · part 13 of 72Rev. Ivan Foster · ChildrenJeremiah 30:4-9 · Tue Oct 14, 2014

The Return of the Lord Jesus, 13. Specific events in the city of Jerusalem. "The Great Tribulation." "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it," Jeremiah 30:7. We will commence a study of the "Great Tribulation" today. It will commence half way through the seven-year period of Antichrist's domination of Jerusalem. Breaking the covenant he has entered into with Israel, he will turn from being an apparent saviour and helper into a tyrant and persecutor and "the destroyer of the Gentiles' and initiate the time of Jacob's trouble.

ID: 1014141049155 · The Return of Christ, Pt 13