Baptism briefly considered (1)Often neglected sacramentRev. Ivan Foster · Prayer MeetingActs 8:35-39 · Wed Oct 1, 2008
The subject of baptism is an important one and can easily be neglected. The FPC holds an "open position" on baptism with regards its mode and those eligible for this ordinance. Article 6a of the FPC Articles of Faith reads, in part: "The Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster . . . . hereby affirms that each member of the FPC shall have liberty to decide for himself which course to adopt on these controversial issues, each member giving due honour in love to the views held by differing brethren, but none espousing the error of baptismal regeneration." My own position is that baptism is an ordinance for believers and the mode taught is the Bible is that of pouring though the amount of water applied is of little significance. I will come to that issue in a later study.
ID: 1010817185310 · Baptism briefly considered (1)