The Return of the Lord Jesus, 3 We may summarise the ages of this world thus: 1. Creation. 2. Redemption. 3. Return of Christ. 4. Great Judgment and New Creation. 5 Eternal Heaven. Two of these landmarks have passed. We are awaiting the next one - The Return of the Saviour. AN EVENT FOR WHICH WE ARE TO WAIT & WATCH 1. This the Saviour repeatedly commanded us to watch for His return. Matt 24:42-43, 25:13. We can only watch for that which may be seen. It is wrong for any to say that the Christian can never know when the Lord is returning. Why command us to watch if that is so? 2. Apostles likewise commanded us to watch. 1 Thess 5:1-6, 1 Pet 4:7. 3. To watch means to be 'wakeful and alert'. Sentry may be shot for sleeping. He endangers everyone in his unit if he falls a sleep. 4. Sadly, Christ says many will sleep. Matt 25:5. That is understandable if they have been told that they can never know when Christ is returning!