Waiting to be rescuedGospel lessons - New OrleansRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMPsalm 40:1-3 · Sun Sep 4, 2005
The problems facing the US authorities in their response following the destruction wrought by the hurricane 'Katrina', highlight the basic inability of man to cope with the challenges of this life. The chaos in the city serves to remind us that when the wind blows a little harder than usual we find ourselves unable to cope. The storm not merely shook the physical structures within the city but it demolished the whole social structure within which life had operated. Society within sizeable areas of this 21st century US city was reduced for many people to the level of scavenging amidst rabble and ruin. For days, thousands waited for aid and help and rescue in the midst of ever deteriorating conditions. Anarchy and riot broke out in many places as the wealth and manpower of the world's greatest nation struggled to cope. There was something apocalyptic about it all! That is not surprising since there can be no doubt that what happened did come as a judgment upon many elements of life within that sinful city. Parts of it were a virtual Sodom of iniquity. The waiting in impatient hopelessness of the distressed citizens of New Orleans contrast sharply with the words of our text.
ID: 940517445 · Waiting to be rescued