Departing from God-cause, character, consequencesA warning to the youngRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMJudges 2:10 · Sun Sep 28, 2003
These words make sad reading for anyone, irrespective of their age, who has any regard for God and His honour and His people. A generation has arisen in Israel that knows not God and forsakes His truth and embraces idolatry. Sadly, such an turn of events is not that uncommon. Consider the words of Christ to the church at Ephesus in Rev 2:1-7. When this letter was written, this church is younger than the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. What a history it had. It was founded by the apostle Paul amidst scenes reminiscent of the day of Pentecost, Acts 19:1-20. John the apostle also minister there as did Timothy. It had therefore the cream of preachers and the richest of blessings and yet the second generation were showing such signs of decay and decline that a special message with a solemn warning was sent to them from the Lord. The same trends are at work today. It can never be any other way.
ID: 9280318735 · Departing from God-cause, character, consequences