The True Christ-No new ChristHolding fast to the truthRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMHebrews 13:8 · Sun Sep 25, 2005
The words of our text are addressed to Jewish converts who were under great pressure from fellow Jews who rejected the claims of the gospel. Reference to what it was they had come through may be seen in chapter 10, verses 23-39 and in 1 Thess 2:14-16. Such pressure tempted its subjects to look for a way of escape that was not of God. The claim that the ceremonial law had passed away, being fulfilled in the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus, was most offensive to the unbelieving Jews. Therefore, some compromise on this matter on the part of Jewish believers might appear to have offered some respite from their troubles. Hence Paul urges them not be taken in with such notions but rather to obey their spiritual leaders and share in the reproach of Christ, verse 9-17. Our text is a very suitable text to study in any time of upheaval and change such as we live in today. As Christians, we need to remind ourselves afresh of the unchanging Christ to Whom we have trusted our souls.
ID: 92505161252 · The True Christ-No new Christ