Free But Not CheapThe Voice of Kilskeery from the 1980s · part 9 of 18Rev. Ivan Foster · Sun Feb 2, 1986Isaiah 55:1; 1 Corinthians 6:20 · Sunday Service

The witness of the Old and the New Testaments will combine tonight to speak to us of Calvary's love. Isaiah likens the grace of God in Salvation unto WATER, WINE and MILK. Spiritual LIFE, JOY, and NOURISHMENT are all to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him all fulness dwells. To those who are in need the Gospel says: "Come, buy and eat." But notice the strange terms of the sale! "Without money and without price." This makes the Gospel message utterly unique amongst all the religions proclaimed on this earth!

ID: 92200202827 · Free But Not Cheap