Funeral of George MorrisonChrist our substituteRev. Ivan Foster · Funeral ServiceIsaiah 53:1-6 · Wed Sep 12, 2007
George Morrison born in 1922. He was a founding member of our congregation here in Kilskeery and an elder. He laboured for the gospel here in Kilskeery amongst his neighbours humbly and faithfully since his conversion in Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church in October 1970. He dutifully did all that he could whenever any help was required here at the church. He helped dig the foundations, raise the walls and fix the ridge tiles of the original building back in 1973-74. He was involved in every extension that was added to that first building. He was one of the original deacons, he was a member of our school management committee since its inception in 1979 and he served as an elder since August 2002. I am sure that the neighbours round about here would concur with me that George was a decent man, kindly and affable. He lost his first wife, Mabel, just over 21 years ago on 4th Aug 1986. He remarried on 29th September 1990 and he and Virginia have had almost 17 enjoyable and happy years together. We as a church have lost a brother beloved and I as the minister have lost a very close friend and companion in the gospel.
ID: 916071253347 · Funeral of George Morrison