Devil's undercover agents, 2Rev. Ivan FosterJude 1:4 · Sunday - PMSun Sep 13, 2015

The Devil's Undercover Agents, Part 2.

"For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ," Jude 1:4.

(Preached in Lewes FPC on Lord's Day evening 13th Sept 2015)

The word "crept in unawares" (it is only one word in the Greek original), is a compound of two words, one of which is linked to the setting of the sun, Mark 1:32, Lk 4;40.

That gives us a picture of the stealth with which these men work and also the consequences of their entrance into the church. How often that which is to man's hurt advances by "creeping"!


1. A very full description is given us of the creepers. This epistle is given over to setting their likeness and that of the threat they pose before us.

2. There is a great need to be earnest. It is the "faith" that is at stake. It is the singular means of delivering sinners, Acts 4:12.

3. Note the words of the Holy Spirit. "Needful for me . . . and exhort you." It is vital to arouse the saints to this threat. How inclined to slumber we are! Death penalty for sleeping on guard duty - emphasise its vital importance!

ID: 913151548422 · Devil's undercover agents, 2