All the hostages safely releasedTragedy of BeslanRev. Ivan Foster · Sun Sep 12, 20041 Samuel 30:18-19 · Sunday - PM
The dreadful events in Beslan bring shame upon the Russian government as well as the cruel hostage-takers. How the government could conceal the fact that nearly 1300 children, mothers and other family members were being held hostage in order to preserve its standing on the political world stage is a cruelty and a callousness almost matching the evil men who were immediately guilty of the mass murder in the school. We have been and will continue to pray for the people of Russia that the comforts and blessing of the gospel Jesus Christ will be visited upon them in their sorrow and grief. The tragedy served to remind us of the wonderful story of the cross and to highlight one particular aspect of God's grand scheme of redemption. I wish to turn to the incident recorded in 1 Samuel 30, the taking hostage of the women and children of David and his men by the Amalekites.
ID: 912041650 · All the hostages safely released