A PLEA FROM THE EDGE OF THE GRAVE Joshua 24:14-15. (Preached in Gilford FPC, at the morning service) This chapter ends with the death of Joshua, verse 29. These words were indeed spoken on the edge of the grave. For background information it would profitable for us to read some of the words of Stephen when he stood before the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, Acts 7:39-43. He recounts the unfaithfulness of Israel in the midst of the glorious privileges they had enjoyed in their escape from Egypt and how that even in the midst of such mercies they clung to idols! In our text, the same dreadful anomaly has been taking place, some 25 years after entering Canaan. Joshua has grounds for calling upon the people to put away idolatry. Secretly they were worshipping idols. Idolatry is natural to us all. It is not easily put away. Perhaps we should define "idolatry" as it is set forth in the Bible. Idolatry takes place not merely where an idol or an image is erected and worshipped. " . . . and covetousness, which is idolatry," Colossians 3:5. Covetousness is spiritual idolatry. It is the giving of that love and regard to wealth, possessions and positions which are due to God only. Has not such a spirit been at work in Ulster in recent years?? Has it not dominated the thinking of men?? The compass of greed and material gain has guided our land recently though it failed us entirely for the promises of gain have been followed by only disappointment! Mammon is the very antithesis of God. It is that which men serve as God ought to be loved and served. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon," Matthew 6:24. Such idolatry is widespread amongst us all today AND MUST BE CHALLENGED.