Revival Hope in the Midst of Trouble "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me," Psalm 138:7. (Preached in Kilskeery FPC) My text speaks of the hope that may be entertained in the midst of trouble. * Here in Kilskeery there has been some trouble recently, trouble of a type we have not witnessed in the 40 years of the congregation's existence. Some, whom we have had fellowship and friendship with for many, many years, felt that they had sufficient grounds of complaint against some in the church to leave its fellowship. * There is a proper scriptural procedure to be followed by those who feel that they have been wronged. 1. We are required to speak to the person who we think has wronged us, Matt 18:15. 2. If we are not satisfied with the outcome, we complain to the elders, Matt 18:16-17. 3. If we are still not satisfied we may take the matter to the Presbytery and it shall decide if we have a case and will initiate an investigation if it thinks that we have. * None of these procedures was followed by those who have left this congregation. Instead, accusations have been made to anyone who will listen but those complained of have never been approached or given an opportunity to answer these accusations. * Such an unbiblical course of action brings into question the validity of the complaints being made and the subsequent departures. That is not Christian behaviour!! It has been a time of tribulation and heart-break for the people that remain. May we find comfort in out text.