The Ultimate Revival #5Studies in Isaiah 51:9-11 · part 5 of 16Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMIsaiah 51:9-11 · Sun Aug 20, 2006
"WITHDRAWAL BY THE LORD" We have laid a foundation for the remainder of our studies in our consideration of the backsliding of God's people which requires revival and makes it necessary. Such a theme is not popular today. It clashes with the saccharine tastes of modern "Christianity"! But how essential is such a message today. Listen to Jeremiah lamenting after the destruction of Jerusalem, a judgment brought about by Israel's sin and of which he had warned repeatedly though without success for his warnings were rejected. "Thy prophets have seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity (or uncover your sin for you to see), to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment," Lamentations 2:14. The lack of a sin-exposing ministry cost the nation dearly. So it will be again if no heed is given to God's warnings to His backsliding church today. Today, we will consider the immediate impact of sin amongst God's people. It is the withdrawal of God and the tokens of His presence amongst us.
ID: 8270616557 · The Ultimate Revival #5