Encouragement for the remnantDay of prayer sermon · part 1 of 2Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceRevelation 3:4 · Sun Aug 17, 2003
This message was preached during a day of prayer marking the 29th anniversary of the opening of our first church building. How sad it is to read these words spoken by the Saviour to a first-century church founded by the labours of an apostolic preacher. A church which knew the mighty power of God is reduced to this level inside of one generation, 40-50 years. The charge the Saviour lays against them is found in the opening verse. What a condemnation. "Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead." They had but an empty name, a false profession. It was by their works that the Saviour discerned the truth regarding their profession. From this verse 4, I wish to draw out a number of observations.
ID: 8170318730 · Encouragement for the remnant