God's law outlawed . . . What then?Rev. Ivan FosterPsalm 119:126 · Sunday ServiceSun Aug 17, 2003
This is the cry of the child of God in the midst of a flood of rebellion and defiance. It is the prayer of many a latter-day Noah facing the tide of iniquity that is breaking forth upon the world today. The subject was prompted by the recent change in the law which banned corporal punishment in our Christian schools. There is an acceleration of the departure from God in these days. Landslides and avalanches tend to gather speed as they career downward as restraints and obstacles being removed from their path. We are seeing today a fulfillment of the word spoken by Paul. "But evil men and seducers shall become worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived," 2 Timothy 3:13. This is a reference to increasing and accelerating wickedness at the end of this age.
ID: 81703183111 · God's law outlawed . . . What then?