1989 ecumenical school reformsThe Voice of Protest · part 7 of 12Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PM2 Samuel 20:10 · Sun Feb 19, 1989

Ecumenical purpose behind 1989 Education Reforms "But Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand: so he smote him therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and struck him not again," 2 Samuel 20:10.

Sermons preached in former years in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church against national apostasy.

Preaching the message of salvation through faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone must ever be coupled and joined with earnest contending for the faith against the lies and errors of the devil and his agents.

The warnings of this sermon are particularly relevant since what was attempted by Dr Brian Mawhinney in 1989, with limited success, is today being revived under the Department of Education in Northern Ireland's push for "Integrated Education". These dangerous reforms are strongly supported by the DUP, partner with Sinn Fein/IRA in the Stormont power-sharing government. This is but another somersault by the DUP. I wish to introduce my subject by reading a short portion of a sermon preached by the great Dr Henry Cooke on the topic of "National Education" in 1832. It is ever essential to examine the purpose behind government education reforms and what the consequences of those proposals will be. * Consider Dr Mawhinney's own explanation of the reforms. * Consider the interpretation the press places upon the reforms. * Consider the far-reaching implications of these reforms.

ID: 71913819153 · 1989 ecumenical school reforms