Duties of a minister in day of departure/faithRev. Ivan Foster1 Timothy 4:1 · Sunday - PMSun Jun 6, 2004
Some counsel from God's Word to the ministers and elders of the Ballymena Presbytery of the ecumenical Presbyterian Church in Ireland who are upset at their Moderator-elect, Rev. Ken Newell, for inviting Dr. Sean Brady, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, to the General Assembly. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils," 1 Timothy 4:1. A letter from one minister in the Ballymena Presbytery of the PCI, appeared in the Belfast Telegraph of May 29th. It was written by Mark Neilly, minister of Buckna PC and it was in response to an article by Alf McCreary, a BT columnist. Mr. McCreary is a Presbyterian elder, a fervent ecumenist and hater of Bible truth. Two matters in the letter demand our attention. I will first of all offer my congratulations to Mr. Neilly for writing as he did. But I will also ask some questions about what he wrote.
ID: 6604173757 · Duties of a minister in day of departure/faith