CONVERSION-dawn of heaven-soulRev. Ivan FosterLuke 1:78 · Sunday - PMSun Jun 5, 2005
"CONVERSION - the dawn of a heavenly morning in the soul." "Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us," Luke 1:78. How glorious are these words! We have, for various reasons, found ourselves reading them and considering them in our meditations and devotions of late. So deep run these waters that we may visit them yet again and find new treasures and fresh delights for our soul. Conversion brings a new day within the soul of the believing sinner. Christ, the Dayspring from on high, breaks forth within the repentant sinner. This glorious event is pictured for us each morning of each new day.
ID: 6505162914 · CONVERSION-dawn of heaven-soul