Knowing better than God!Healing of NaamanRev. Ivan Foster · Special Meeting2 Kings 5:11 · Thu Jun 14, 2012
Knowing better than God "I thought, " 2 Kings 5:11. (Preached at a special evangelistic service in the Hungarian-speaking village of Vaida in Romania and translated into Hungarian by a local pastor - see "Whenever I think of Naaman, I think of that verse in Proverbs 14:12. "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." God has only one way of salvation, but man has dreamed up many. God's ends in Heaven - man's ends in hell! The foolish man builds his eternal hopes on the sands of his own notions and ideas, but the wise man builds his upon God's Word. These truths are illustrated for us in the healing of Naaman the leper. The two words of our text are like two hinges on a window which opens up to reveal the heart of this man - indeed the heart of ALL men!"
ID: 618121435511 · Knowing better than God!