Safety in the cleft of the RockRev. Ivan FosterExodus 33:18-23 · Sunday ServiceSun Jun 15, 2003
The knowledge of God but breeds a greater hunger to know more of Him. Moses had been on the mount with God and had been on intimate terms with God during that time as ever mortal man had this side of heaven. Yet here he is seeking even a greater degree of knowledge. "I beseech thee, shew me thy glory," verse 18. This helps us to understand the nature of the everlasting joy of heaven. We shall never see enough of the Lord! Moses had heard the voice of God but now he would see His glory. Those who hear and obey the voice desire to see and will see the glory of God. The words of God in answer to Moses' request are full of Gospel goodness.
ID: 6150318446 · Safety in the cleft of the Rock