Cowardly compromise -- Sinful silenceFailure to protestRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceIsaiah 58:1 · Sun Jun 13, 2004
The election of a yet another modernist, Ken Newell, to the leadership of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and his invitation to the head of the Roman Catholic church in Ireland to his installation service, was greeted by those who profess to be evangelicals within the PCI, with a shameful silence. If any noise was made by them by way of the letter from one of their number, Rev. Mark Neilly of Buckna, it was done inadvertently, since he clearly states in his letter that they were not in favour of any public statement on the matter. He was forced to go public by the article published in the Belfast Telegraph on Saturday 29th May. Romanism is one of the prevalent errors of this age. It is everywhere in some form other. You could not preach against sin today without preaching against Romanism. A preacher in Ulster who does not condemn Romanism and show from the Bible its falsehoods and deceits must be likened unto a medical doctor who never refers to disease. For that reason, I believe that the evangelicals within the PCI have engaged in a cowardly compromise that has produced a sinful silence, not just this year but for many years now.
ID: 6130417132 · Cowardly compromise -- Sinful silence