Dr. Uprichard's Back to the Bible campaignThe sin of staying inRev. Ivan FosterSun Jun 12, 2005 · Sunday - PM
"And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD." 2 Chronicles 19:2. The PCI took a very definite step out of the will of God in 1926 when it voted to uphold the teaching of Professor J E Davey by 707 to 83. Davey denied the fundamentals of the faith. When his heresy was highlighted by some student sitting under his teaching, the PCI exonerated Davey. Prof. Davey was elected Moderator of the PCI. Since the days of Davey's moderatorship, it seems that a system or arrangement exists within the PCI whereby they alternate the office of Moderator between the liberal and the evangelical wing of the church. The present moderator has called his moderatorship a "Back to the Bible" campaign. At his installation, he had an opportunity to rebuke the last moderator, Dr. Ken Newell, for his sell-out of the gospel when he invited the head of the RC church in Ireland to his installation but he did not. Is this action in keeping with the Bible's witness? I do not think so. Despite his claim that he is leading a "Back to the Bible" campaign, he very decidedly is keeping on the road that the PCI has long been on -- away from the Bible.
ID: 61205174637 · Dr. Uprichard's Back to the Bible campaign