The Creed of the Virgin MaryResponse-ARCIC report on MaryRev. Ivan Foster · Sun May 29, 2005Jeremiah 44:15-19 · Sunday - PM
In 1948, at the formation of the WCC, that one delegate, Dr. N C Nolde a United Lutheran, said, "In a popular sense, the first meeting of the Church Council could be spoken of as a reversal of the trend which began at the Reformation." No statement has ever demonstrated more clearly the objective of ecumenism. The Reformation was but the recommencing of the witness for the truth of the Bible against the errors of false and Babylonish religion. A reversal of that trend means a return to Babylonianism. That is what we see clearly demonstrated in this latest ARCIC document. The ARCIC had it beginnings in the meeting between Pope Paul VI and Dr. Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury 1966. From the very beginning, the Church of Ireland was centrally involved in this sell-out. Bishop McAdoo of Dublin was Co-Chairman of the Anglican delegation during the first phase of ARCIC's discussions which ended in 1981. At the ARCIC meeting on Marian Issues the C of I's College of Education,hosted the discussions in Aug/Sept 2001. This latest ARCIC document was welcomed by John Neill, present Archbishop of Dublin. The document is typical of what has gone before.
ID: 529051874 · The Creed of the Virgin Mary