Spiritual warfare pt 7Unsearchable riches of Christ in Ephesians · part 98 of 112Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMEphesians 6:14 · Sun May 2, 2004

Having on the breastplate of righteousness, Ephesians 6:14.


It serves as a breastplate. 

1. It is an essential function.

It covers that which needs protection most. A man may suffer many wounds in many parts of his body but one strike to the heart will kill him when the same blow to any other part may not. When righteousness covers the heart a man may withstand many strikes from the devil at his heart. Joseph, Gen 39:9. The Saviour wore such a breastplate, Isaiah 59:17. It served Him well, John 14:30. The devil could get no entrance. Holiness of heart and mind will guard our eyes, our ears, and stop the devil gaining an entrance upon us.

2. It is a function that emboldens.

Pro 28:1, I John 3:21. As David ran with confidence upon Goliath, so we can face the devil and the world. The boldness of such as the early believers was born of holiness.

3. It is a function that strengthens.

The holy man is a strong man, Eph 6:10. Samson lost his strength when he lost his holiness. When we are robbed of our holiness we sink down beneath a burden fear and weakness.

ID: 5204161322 · Spiritual warfare pt 7