Recent election successesGod's Word on the matterRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMPsalm 127:1 · Sun May 15, 2005
"The electoral 'wipe-out' of ecumenical unionism in the light of God's Word" "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain," Psalm 127:1. There was a change in the political framework of our country at the recent elections which few will have failed to notice. In this part of our little country, the Ulster Unionist party has held a dominant position which was largely due to the influence of the ecumenical churches, principally, the Church of Ireland. But that dominance has had a severe blow from which we hope it will never recover. I wish to preach on the topic advertised. I am long enough in God's work to know the dangers that spring from such a success. More authoritive than experience is the Word of God. From it I am informed of the dangers that spring from such a success as that recently enjoyed. Failure may bring disappointment and with it, a blaming of God. But reprehensible as that may be, it is not nearly so dreadful as the results that may spring from success. Success can bring pride and out of that a misappropriation of the honour and glory which is God's alone. Such a result will close heaven above our heads and cost us the blessing that brought the good result in the first instance. The verse before us contains information that is beneficial and contains an admonition that is timely.
ID: 5150516836 · Recent election successes