DEATH . . . a departureDeath in the news!Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMPhilippians 1:23 · Sun Apr 3, 2005
With the media keeping a vigil at the bedside of the dying pope, death has been very much in the news. Sadly, a totally erroneous view of death has being given over the airwaves. We are told that the pope died as befits the successor of Peter and that near where Peter died. Peter did not die at Rome. Peter never was at Rome. Paul makes no mention of him when writing to the Romans which is something we can hardly imagine he would do if Peter was there as the bishop! The pope was man who lived to propagate a false gospel and now has died trusting in the empty hope of his good works, the masses that will be said for him and the intercessions of Mary. I view the pope as a chief enemy of Christ and His people. History will bear that out. However, God's Word has something to say to me on the death of even such as he. "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth," Proverbs 24:17. The pope is a poor sinner whose rejection of Christ and his embracing of titles and honours that rightly belong to Christ placed him beyond salvation. Few today will believe that but it is true. Even so, so awful is it for a sinner to fall into hell we must put a finger to our lips at this time.
ID: 430516737 · DEATH . . . a departure