No man-made hiding place from GodGod's omniscienceRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServicePsalm 139:7 · Sun Apr 25, 2004
This message is preceded by a word of testimony by Matt Crawford. The truths set forth in this psalm, when pressed upon the soul and conscience, will prove to be a most excellent means of promoting the fear of God and holiness of life. This psalm contains the some of the most profound statements in all of literature and is a composition on the most sublime of themes. Yet it was written by one raised as a shepherd! Truly, the divine origin of Holy Scripture is set before us here. "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," 2 Peter 1:21. The psalm centres upon the omnipresence of God and His omniscience. The unbeliever may ask: "Where ius God?" We, with David, answer: "Where is He not?"
ID: 42504182415 · No man-made hiding place from God