Smoke rising from Antichrist's cityThe identity of BabylonRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMRevelation 18:9 · Sun Apr 24, 2005
It has been another week in which the eyes of the world have been drawn to Rome. This time the thing looked for was the smoke that issued forth from a small chimney on the Vatican palace and particularly what colour it was. Black smoke indicated that the next pope had not been elected, white smoke indicated that he had. On Tuesday past, white smoke signalled the arrival of another man to take upon himself the blasphemous role of head of the Roman Catholic institution. I was made to think of the verse before us tonight, (Rev 18:9). Here is the smoke signal that I as a Christian look for. Many on earth will mourn at this signal (verse 9-19), heaven, however, will rejoice, verse 20. That which is here cast down is full-blown Babylonianism. It is that which we see today in many forms but most plainly in the wickednesses of the Roman Catholic church. Please consider this portion with me for it is a picture of events in a not very distant future. Immediately we come to controversy for there are many good Christians who would claim that we are looking at the city of Rome. I disagree. I believe that this is the city of Babylon reborn. Why I do so will be the subject of our message.
ID: 42405163445 · Smoke rising from Antichrist's city