The resurrection of Christcentrality, certainty, comfortsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceLuke 24:34-35 · Sun Apr 20, 2003
The doubting, despairing disposition of the disciples following the death of the Saviour on the cross adds to the credibility of their witness to His resurrection. They could not be called witnesses of His resurrection when we read of them immediately after Calvary. The portion before us is a prime example of the state of mind and heart the disciples were in following the harrowing scenes on the cross. Consequently, their subsequent fervent testimony of the resurrection indicates a change of mind that was radical and complete. The source of the disciples doubts and despair was unbelief. The Saviour had repeatedly told them of His suffering and death at Jerusalem and His subsequent rising the third day. Yet the cross and its aftermath left them thoroughly confused disconsolate. The couple on the road to Emmaus were thoroughly convince by the revelation of Himself to them by the Saviour.
ID: 4200318378 · The resurrection of Christ