An empty profession uncovered and condemnedFolly of pretendingRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMLuke 6:46 · Sun Apr 18, 2004
This sermon is preceded by a word of testimony by Mr. Selwyn Daly, teacher in Kilskeery Independent Christian school. The sermon text reads: "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Luke 6:46. These words are directed at those who professed to be the disciples of Christ as verse 20 indicates. The word "disciple" simply means "learner" or "pupil." It is a person who professesd to be under the tutleage of Christ. For the Saviour to make an issue of this matter clearly indicates that amongst the ranks of His people are those who think they are His people but are not. What a state to be in!!
ID: 41804181917 · An empty profession uncovered and condemned