THE FORGOTTEN MOTTO OF REVIVAL! "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land," 2 Chronicles 7:14. There was a time, and it was a much better time, when this text rang repeatedly from Free Presbyterian pulpits here in Ulster. Sadly, I feel that it is a forgotten motto. There is not the same desire for God's blessing and power to come again, as there was back 50-60 years ago. The state of the church is deplorable but there seems to be very little awareness of that fact. Rather, a spirit of contentment rests easily upon us. It is true you will hear Christians say how much we need revival but that "need" never seems to materialise into a coming together to pray earnestly for God's intervention. In the past 8 years or so, in which we have seen unrepentant terrorists sanitised within the government in Ulster, there was never any real attempt to organise prayer in order to seek God's intervention for His deliverance from what would once have been looked on as a total surrender. There were occasions when believers were forbidden to mention the matter in the prayer meetings! How different to the prayer meetings convened to pray against Terence O'Neill in the '60s, and the fervent crying unto God against the betrayal of Protestant liberties then taking place and the wonderful answers that were given. Compare that to the dreadful silence in the prayer meetings of the FPC in the face of the much greater threat to Gospel freedom manifesting itself. May the Lord to apply it most powerfully to our hearts.