Continuing on with ChristRev. Ivan FosterActs 26:22 · Sunday - PMSun Feb 15, 1987
Continuing on with Christ "Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come," Acts 26:22. How glorious and marvellous is the grace of God. The once avowed and bitter enemy of the gospel, Saul of Tarsus is here telling of his conversion and ordination as a minister of the gospel unto the Gentiles. Here is here relating the story some 20 years later. He tells how he continued until that time. Many had doubted the reality of his conversion but the intervening years proves the genuineness of the grace of God in his life. Tohe word "continue" is translated "stand" in Ephesians 6:13. What a joy to be found standing in the same position and in the same state of fellowship with Christ twenty years after our conversion!
ID: 412141229162 · Continuing on with Christ