The rent veilBlessed consequence of CalvaryRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 27:51 · Sun Apr 11, 2004
(The sermon is preceded by a testimony by Mr. John Irwin, an elder in Clogher Valley FP Church.) I have often sought to point out to adults and children that the Bible is a book filled with the most graphic illustrations of the glorious truths of the gospel. "Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount," Hebrews 8:5. We have the "example and shadow of heavenly things" in the Bible. On the day of the most glorious event in all of history, the day Jesus died for the sins of His people, here is a record of one of the events on that glorious day. It does not appear to be very important and yet God prefaces it with the word "behold." It is distinguished by this word from the other miraculous events of that day. It must be important for the Lord would have you look at it and consider.
ID: 41104173213 · The rent veil