The Passion of Christ . . . Holy Writ or Hollywood??Rev. Ivan FosterZechariah 13:7 · Sunday - AMSun Apr 11, 2004
There are two cardinal errors in "The passion of the Christ." The film is a breach of the Second Commandment which forbids any representation of the likeness of God to be made. It is arrogant and wicked to seek to portray the incarnate God and equally sinful for any to help in or encourage such a portrayal. The second error is a misrepresenting of the great work of redemption. Many are inclined to think that it was the physical, visible sufferings of Christ at the hands of men that constitute the atoning work of the Lord Jesus. This displays a gross ignorance of the nature of sin and the propitiation that the justice and holiness of God demanded. An acquaintance with the Bible's record of the death of Christ will bring the soul to silence and awe. It will bring an awareness of the spiritual sufferings of the Redeemer on the cross which were entirely invisible, unfathomable and utterly efficacious in the redeeming of God's elect.
ID: 41104165729 · The Passion of Christ . . . Holy Writ or Hollywood??