The Battle for Blessing Pt 3The cost of blessing · part 2 of 2Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - AMGenesis 32:26 · Sun Apr 10, 2005
This is our final study of this topic. The whole verse is a great paradox, is it not? "And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me." Here is God requesting feeble man to let Him go and here is feeble man refusing the request of the omnipotent God! It reads like a robber blackmailing his victim! But here is the character of true prayer. It is a concept that is long forgotten and far removed from the notion that most Christians have of prayer. We have considered Jacob's desire, his determination and we will now finally consider his deliverance.
ID: 4100582021 · The Battle for Blessing Pt 3