WORLD'S RELIGION-empty repentance & vain hopesA wedding & a funeral examinedRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceMatthew 7:21-23 · Sun Apr 10, 2005
There are but two religions in this world. The worship of God as directed by Him in His Word and the empty invention of rebellious man. Man's religion has "a form of godliness" ( 2 Tim 3:5 ), but how void of true godliness and power it all is when closely examined. The wholly contradictory, confused and nonsensical nature of popery and the empty sham of the religion of Charles and Camilla was seen in the week past. When the pope died he required the prayers of 'lesser' mortals to get him into heaven! All this is in marked contrast to the hope of the true child of God as stated by Paul in 2 Cor 5, verse 1 and verse 8. In the wedding of Charles and Camilla, their was a breach of the seventh commandment, Exodus 20:14. Repentance as required by God involves a forsaking of the sin, Pro 28:13, 2 Chron 7:14. Charles and Camilla formed a union built upon their sin and the Church of England pronounced God's blessing upon them. In truth it will prove to be God's curse that will have descended upon this ungodly union! Consider our text. Here is man's religion as assessed by Christ.
ID: 41005162157 · WORLD'S RELIGION-empty repentance & vain hopes