Armageddon and Antichrist's attack on Jerusalem (Coragarry FPC, March 3rd 2015) Jerusalem is titled most wonderfully by the Saviour in Matthew 5:35 as "the city of the great King." The King referred to is of course the Saviour Himself. Let us never forget this fact. It is still His city and all the world will yet see that is so. If men forget, there is one who never forgets and that is the Devil! It is for that reason that his hatred is unceasing toward that place and why at the end of this age it will especially be the focus of his rage. Indeed, his final attack upon Jerusalem and the Saviour's intervention to deliver it, will end this age and usher in the Day of The Lord, the Millennial Reign of Christ. In looking at what the Bible has to tell us of this event, I want to start where this final assault on Jerusalem begins - Armageddon!