War in Iraq - foreshadowings of future eventsRev. Ivan FosterJeremiah 51:29 · Sunday ServiceSun Mar 30, 2003
Iraq is the modern name for the ancient land of Babylon. And yet, we may trace the modern name to the beginnings of time. In Genesis 10:8-11, we will see names that are familiar the reader of the Bible. Amongst them is Erech a city in ancient Mesopotamia. It is the root of the modern word IRAQ. It is a land long associated with rebellion against God. It is the area in which the Garden of Eden, the seat of rebellion, was located. It will be the seat of rebellion at the end of this age. Its ancient capital, Babylon, will feature once more in opposition to God and His people. The chapter we have before us, coupled with Revelation 18, presents to us the judgment that God has planned for that city and its rebellion. What is happening there at present does serve as a foreshadowing of future events.
ID: 3300317514 · War in Iraq - foreshadowings of future events