Medicine for today's troubles - No 2 (German)Studies in Jude at Zurich · part 2 of 3Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceJude 3-4 · Fri Mar 28, 2003
Second of three messages preached at a Bible Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, March 22nd-23rd. There are occasions when controversial subjects must be dealt with. I call for God's servants to lift up their voices in opposition to the devil and his lies today. Jude said that it was "needful" for him to speak so. The Greek word carries the meaning of being "encircled in the arms of necessity." He was compelled to issue this warning. The word is translated "distress" in 1 Thess 3:7. Jude was distressed and imprisoned by an urgent need to issue a warning to God's people about the danger they faced. Would God we had more ministers who felt this distress of mind and soul for God's people in these evil days.
ID: 32803152447 · Medicine for today's troubles - No 2 (German)