Medicine for today's troubles - No 1 (German)Studies in Jude at Zurich · part 1 of 3Rev. Ivan Foster · Special MeetingJude 3-4 · Fri Mar 28, 2003
First of three messages preached at a Bible Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, March 22nd-23rd. Jude's epistle deals with the tactic of the devil as he seeks to God's people and mingle his lie with the truth of God. History records the consequences of this device. The great Protestant Reformation was the result of God opening the eyes of His people to Romanism. The Reformers and their followers saw that Rome was a system of religion which was nothing more than the lie of the devil concealed beneath a garment of Biblical terms and phrases. Within the last 100 years this same tactic has once again been very successfully employed. Major denominations have fallen into apostasy by embracing the devil's lie which lies at the heart of the ecumenical movement. Modern evangelical ranks have been effectively infiltrated by the devil's agents and the mixing of truth and error has been the result.
ID: 32803145930 · Medicine for today's troubles - No 1 (German)