"The New Testament Christian" Part 3. Studies in 1 Thessalonians 1 We are on a subject tonight in which I take great delight! It is the Second Coming of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. The little line - "to wait for his Son from heaven" sets forth the spirit of expectation there was amongst those early converts. 1. This expectation was not uncommon in the early church The Thessalonians were not unique. Rather, they shared this expectation with all the believers in the early church. Here are but a few texts which illustrates this. Rom 8:18-23. 1 Cor 1:7; 4:5. Php 3:20. 2 Thess 1:7. Titus 2:12-14. 1 Tim 6:14; 2 Tim 4:8. Hebrews 9:28; 10:36-39. James 5:7-8. II. IT WAS ESPECIALLY A FEATURE OF PAUL'S TEACHING 1. Note his constant referral to the subject. 1:10, 2:19, 3:13, 4:13-17, 5:1-2, 23. 2. There is clear proof that he spent quite some time teaching them on this subject. 5:1-2; 2 Thess 2:5. 3. It is to be noted that they were taught to a degree well beyond what is understood today. 2 Thess 2:1-12. III. THIS PARTICULAR TRUTH WAS TARGETED BY THE DEVIL AND HIS AGENTS 1. Agitation by men. 2 Thess 2:1. Troubled by men and unsettled, made to abandon what they had been taught. There was a need to stand firm and hold fast, 2:15. 2. False teaching. was the weapon employed. 2:1-2. This was a concern of the Saviour, Matt 24:4. A/christianity breeds deceit, 2:9-10. 3. Caused to forget. 2:3. Again, this was something the Saviour warned of, Matt 25:5. (1 Thess 5:4-6) They forgot their duty and calling and the dangers they faced. They had known "perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night," 1 Thessalonians 5:2