The Tree that SweetensCHRIST, the answer to trialsRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMExodus 15:25 · Sun Mar 12, 2006
The chapter that begins with music and song is soon telling us of the murmuring of the songsters. You would think that the experiences and sights of which they were singing at the beginning of the chapter would enable them to face, with more grace and confidence, the trial that they encountered within three days of the glorious deliverance by the Lord at the Red Sea! But no! Weak grace quickly fades and evaporates under the heat of trial. Such trials as those encountered by Israel on the way to the Promised land are common to believers in every age and nation. Being on the right way and being led by the Lord does not exempt us from such testing times. Joseph was engaged in doing his father's will when he was sold into slavery. David was a man after God's own heart when he was hunted like a partridge on the mountains. Daniel was a man greatly loved when he was cast to the lions. God's purpose in such trials is ever the same -- to bring us to greater reliance upon Himself and His grace and to see in Christ our every need supplied. I believe that the tree in the scene before us represents Christ.
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