The wounds of Christ -- the only source of a sinners gladnessTherapy that worksRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday ServiceJohn 20:20 · Sun Mar 9, 2003

It is absolutely true to say that Christ came into this world to make men happy. That is a mighty task for man by nature is a creature of sorrow. It is not without significance that the first sound that the most of us make upon entering this world is a wail! An industry has sprung up in response to man's need to escape from the sorrows of this life. It is one of the oldest industries on this planet. Chief amongst the victims of grief are those engaged in providing amusement. The daily saga of the misery that life is for many of the "stars of entertainment," those the populace love to envy, is one of drug-taking, alcoholism, violence, depression, marriage-breakups and suicides. These are all evidences of man's sorrow and of his failure to find an answer of himself. But into this world of grief comes Christ, the bearer of "glad tidings of great joy." Indeed, He is the "joy of this world." The secret of that joy is set forth in our text.

ID: 3100354028 · The wounds of Christ -- the only source of a sinners gladness