Honouring the Father by hearing the SonChrist's TransfigurationRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 17:5 · Sun Feb 8, 2004
What a scene is set before us here. Truly, it is breathe-taking! The scene is best understood by considering the impact it had upon the three apostles who were privileged to witness it. It says in verse 6 that they "were sore afraid", they were terrified! How unnerving to the creature is a mere glimpse of the glory of God and the world that is to come! The words of the Father on this occasion sum up for us the message of the Bible. They focus our attention of Christ and particularly His words. He, says the Father, has the words of eternal life. Moses and Elijah, the law and the prophets, stand either side of Christ and bear witness also that it is to Him men should listen.
ID: 2804165117 · Honouring the Father by hearing the Son