The Kingdom of God within.Spirituality of Christianity.Rev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMLuke 17:21: · Sun Feb 5, 2006
Unregenerate man's thinking on spiritual matters is universally askew! It can never point him in the right direction nor draw conclusions or form opinions that are basically sound. The question posed by the Pharisees is an example of that truth. "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation," verse 20. They had in mind a visible and glorious kingdom which deliver them from Roman servitude and elevate them to the rulership of the world. Instead, says the Saviour its coming would not attract the attention of men. The scenes at Bethlehem, a few days later at the temple in Luke 2:8, 25, illustrate this fact. The visible manifestation of Christ's kingdom at the end of this age will, in many ways, repeat these scenes in that it will come when not expected, 24. The Saviour had much to say about the Kingdom of God from the very beginning of His ministry to its end, Mark 1:15 and John 18:36. In our text Christ indicates that the Kingdom of God is established within the hearts of His disciples. That is what takes place at regeneration, Colossians 1:13.
ID: 2506161739 · The Kingdom of God within.