Leaning on Christ on the pilgrimage to heavenLeaning on ChristRev. Ivan Foster · Sun Feb 4, 2007Song of Solomon 8:5 · Sunday - PM
The Song of Solomon is a love song which celebrates the affectionate relationship between Christ and His spouse, the Church, under the terms expressive of the loving relationship between a husband and wife. In these days of unbridled improbriety and licence the terminology of this song is very much open to misunderstanding and abuse. However, the sanctified heart and mind will see only the purity and delights of the unbounded love of Christ for His people and the response to that love that grace engenders within the regenerated soul. "We love him, because he first loved us," 1 John 4:19. From our text please observe the pilgrimage of the child of God from the wilderness to the wonders of heaven.
ID: 2407163142 · Leaning on Christ on the pilgrimage to heaven