Gospel opinion poll on ChristOur opinion of Christ demandedRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 22:42 · Sun Feb 26, 2006
This question comes to you from the lips of the Saviour Himself. That takes the matter to a very much higher plane than if it were asked of you by a fellow human being. This is the Saviour asking your opinion of Himself. How solemnly we should consider it and how reverently and carefully we should answer! The question was first posed to the Pharisees but now it is repeated and directed to you by the command of the Saviour. This question is part of the gospel record that Christ commanded His servants to preach to all the world. What you think is what you are. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he," Proverbs 23:7. What you think of Christ determines what you will be throughout eternity! This question was Christ's response to men who loved to ask questions. They were seeking to entangle Him and trip Him up with their enquiries. He silenced them with this sobering question, verse 46. Men, in their pride, may run around in circles pursuing matters of no eternal importance. This question faces us all with awesome truth of God and our relationship to Him.
ID: 22606164310 · Gospel opinion poll on Christ