Has man a soul & is there a hell?Bishop Hapgood answeredRev. Ivan Foster · Sunday - PMMatthew 16:26 · Sun Nov 13, 1994
Archbishop Habgood answered by the Bible Does man have a soul and is there a hell? "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26. The great apostasy edges closer to its final and ultimate denial. That denial is given us in II Thess 2:4 and in II Peter 2:1. It is a denial of the Lord Jesus Himself. The Christ-rejecting world took a step nearer to that final apostasy recently with the denials voiced by Dr. John Habgood, the archbishop of York on 7th November 1994. He is reported in "The Times" newspaper as saying that there was nothing in the human body that departs when we die. He claims that the individual's identity was "held in the mind of God". He also said that hell was not regarded as a serious option these days. Wherever Dr. Habgood got his views it was certainly not from the Bible. The Bible and the Bible only is the religion of the true Christian. Dr. Habgood's own credal standards clearly teach that. Article 6, 20, 21, 22. At the ordination of an archbishop the following passage of Holy Scripture is read, Matt 28:18. The following oath is also taken. If this was the form of service employed at the ordination of Dr. Habgood then he is an oath breaker. Irrespective, he is a blasphemer. Nothing is clearer from the Bible than that man has a soul to be saved from hell. Let me state a few simple truths tonight. (A better quality recorded has now been mounted, IF)
ID: 221181123 · Has man a soul & is there a hell?